Friday, July 10, 2020

Dear IDEA Fitness Journal editor,

To eat meat or not to eat meat is such an ethical topic. If in fact humans are becoming more compassionate, less exploitive of the horror of enslavement, slaughter, and ingestion of another being than yes the growing of a fungus based product is right. Sure there are hurdles to overcome, but saving lives and the environment is not something we can turn our backs on any more. Violence is wrong no matter what, animals are not ours to own and do as we please with. It is inherently wrong to do violence on the innocent and vulnerable. 

The awaking to a new way of thinking, and then eating the new way is the first step to changing lives for all sentient beings. Let the large corporations make money on creating products that mimic meat if it keeps people from eating animal flesh. Cultured meat is one way to curb the tide, or sooth the carnivore into plant based, and eventually veganism. It is one stepping stone in the direction of freedom for animals and abolishment of exploitation. 

Whether manufactured meat is more “well” than regular meat depends on perspective, ask the chicken or the cow. 

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