Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stay present to your Self-Care during the Holidays

Taking a break from your fitness program until after the New Year will only leave you stressed, overweight and discouraged.
The holiday season is emotional enough with out derailing your health consciousness.
Here are five steps to help turn your healthy goals into accomplishments:

1. Blame no one. When we blame the holiday festivities for our lack of responsibility we are still faulting ourselves. When you blame someone or something for the shape of your life you are chasing your own tail.

2. Schedule exercise into your day. When your days get busy, be flexible. Instead of skipping the evening walk, because you have an office party, wake up an hour earlier and walk before work.

3. Improve one area of your body. Take a picture of that area and have it handy in case of uncontrollable urges to spurge. Then focus on your action one step at a time. Get friendly with discipline. Are you ready to set a higher standard for yourself?

4. Expect nothing. Taking responsibility for being “that better you” is the reward. Think of the trials and the challenges to a healthy lifestyle as stepping-stones to a more evolved you. Discover your strengths, one challenge at a time.

5. Be pro-active not reactive. Respond to this holiday season with a written plan for every trigger and challenge you experienced last year. Then work on one of your choosing. You are not your pre-programmed thoughts, or your emotional triggers. You are the choices you make after the though, and the steps you willing take.

Observe yourself this season and respond in a manner that serves you well.


  1. I will read all materials, complete worksheets, and share my questions and  thoughts for my benefit, as well as for the other participants. Yes or No
  1. I will practice one new behavior,  ______________________ (behavior), at least once a day starting ____________. (date)                                                        
  1. I know my new behavior(s) is the start of a promise to myself for a healthier life.  Yes or No 
  2. I will choose an accountability partner to help support me with this new behavior. __________________. (name of partner)

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