Saturday, January 27, 2018

Infuse Health in Social Networking

Studies show that the spread of obesity in social networks appears
to be a factor in the obesity epidemic. When we surround ourselves
with unhealthy people then being unhealthy is the norm. Our behaviors,
habits, and perceptions shift to fit this norm. 

Social influence also suggests that it may be possible to harness this same
force to slow the spread of obesity. Expect more of yourself and 
everyone you touch will benefit. If we practice healthier habits in
2018 then our co-workers, family, and friends have a greater tendency to
health. Know what healthy truly is and spread it - make health not disease.

We can use this phenomena to grow a healthier environment at the
workplace, at home, or with our friends. While it may be
challenging to initiate a new healthy behavior when in the same environment
it gets easier with every performance. Just say no to unhealthy foods, and yes to 
healthy ways of being. You may find many of your peers are interested in being 
their best too!

Retrain your brain and create new ways of being without making
suggestions for others, just yourself. Sometimes being who you truly are, or
your best self, inspires others to be their better self.

Establish some new social norms in 2018, for your health and the
health of your family and friends. Be bold. Be the change you want to see. Provide 
peer support and get some for yourself. People are connected, and so
health is connected as well.

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