Friday, June 18, 2004

What is NEW with ME

You are one of 100 plus clients, friends and associates to whom I send this newsletter. I am expanding my business to include coaching and I wanted to let you know who I work well with and to ask you to be my partner in the further development of my coaching business. Briefly, as a coach, I:

1. Help my clients set larger, better, more rewarding goals, both personal and professional.

2. Speak with my clients at least weekly to help them strategize and take action.

3. Ask more of my clients than they – or others - might ask of themselves. My role is to be a great listener and a mirror to help my clients see themselves. As you know, I have been personal training for 11 years.

By adding the coaching service and weaving in the coaching principles, structures and technology, I can do far more for my clients. Currently I am working with several coaching clients. We meet, usually by phone, every week. My business intent is to be working with 20 new coaching clients by the end of the year.

I rely on my current clients and colleagues, like you, for referrals. I work best with the following types of clients:

1. People who are passionate, motivated,intelligent,and want their best

2. People who understand that growth comes from connection

3. People who are inquisitive

Please keep me in mind when you run across anyone who matches one of the four types listed above. Also, if you know anyone who you think would benefit from coaching, including yourself, I am happy to spend 30 minutes discussing it to see if I can help.

email me at to set up talk time.

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