Interesting to note that a good
education does little to raise your sense of satisfaction in life. I
suppose ignorance IS bliss. Happiness researcher Dr. Ed Diener
suggests that once your basic needs are met, additional income
does little for fulfillment. However, in a Times poll those individuals
making $35,000 a year or less were significantly less happy.
Both happiness researchers Deiner and Seligman conclude that the highest level of
happiness comes from strong ties with family and friends.
Here are some practical suggestions by UCLA researcher Dr. Lynbomirsky to revitalize your level of happiness:
Here are some practical suggestions by UCLA researcher Dr. Lynbomirsky to revitalize your level of happiness:
Count your blessings – make a gratitude journal where
every week you enter the things you are currently grateful
for, from little to bigger.
Practice acts of random kindness- remember how good it
felt to let that harried driver into your lane, or let someone
go ahead of you in the grocery line. Be generous. Get
connected to others.
Savor joyful moments daily – the sunset, the rolling hills,
the puppy, or any number of daily things we appreciate.
Thank a mentor – do this in person.
Learn forgiveness – this is the most generous gesture. Let go of the anger; move on to a life not bogged down by the past.
Invest time and energy in friends and family.
Take care of your body – get sleep, exercise, and eat healthy foods to stimulate positive hormones that enhance your moods.
Develop strategies for coping with stress, hardship, and
things not going as planned. At
some point you have to deal with the issues. Better to
establish new pathways than continue to suffer.