Friday, May 6, 2016

Detect Your Attitude

Understand that your attitude effects you, and everyone and everything around you. 

Honestly evaluate your attitude over the long term, and the short term, in general, and in specific situations.

Understand that you have a choice, that you are in control.

Evaluate influences that cause you to feel the glass is half full, or half empty.

Ask a coach or a trusted friend for sincere feedback on what they see. Do you agree or

Determine how you can live mindful of accentuating the positive, in general, and in specific areas.

Develop a “warning” system that allows you to detect potentially unhealthy situations, then reframe them in a more actionable caring manner. 

Commit to monitoring your attitude for a specific period of time, intent on the positive.
Evaluate your findings. Keep a daily log. 

Allow a coach to hold you accountable to your higher self. 

Choose to be your best, make the commitment. 

We have all been imprinted by our past. However, if past learned behaviors do not serve us well today, we can choose to change. Behavior shifts, and reframing knee jerk reactions take time, attention, and action. See challenges as opportunities to boost emotional growth, self-efficacy and self-respect. As we free ourselves from our old ways of being, we start attracting rich new experiences and vitality. 

Live well,